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What You Should Know Before Renting Exotic Vehicles

What You Should Know Before Renting Exotic Vehicles 

As you might expect with luxury and exotic rentals, there are a few considerations to keep in mind beyond the basics of renting your average commuter car. State-of-the-art exotic vehicles are extremely valuable, and strict requirements protect both the renting driver and the vehicle owner from unexpected costs and insurance issues. 

While many of the requirements are the same as a typical rental, here’s a helpful breakdown of the major differences to keep in mind for a smooth and safe exotic rental experience. 

Meet The Age & License Requirements

Like other rentals, you can acquire luxury vehicles like our Chevrolet Tahoe if you are at least 21 years old, legally licensed, and have a clean driving record. For exotic vehicles like one of our Porsches or Lamborghinis, drivers under the age of 25 can rent the vehicles with a higher deposit and a 20% young driver surcharge. 

Maintain A Full Coverage Auto Insurance Policy 

We do not provide insurance plans for our luxury and exotic rentals. Proof of full coverage auto insurance is required with the rental application. For luxury vehicles, we require a minimum of 100k property damage coverage. For exotic vehicles, we require 250k property damage coverage. Unfortunately, we cannot rent our vehicles to anyone unable to provide verifiable proof of full auto coverage. 

A Deposit Is Required For Luxury & Exotic Rentals

Unlike traditional low-end vehicle rentals, we take extra precautions to preserve the quality of our exotic rentals in Dallas! The deposit amount varies on the vehicle and is returned as soon as the vehicle is returned in its original condition. To ensure your deposit is returned in full, follow these simple guidelines: 

  • The rental cannot leave the state
  • No pets are allowed inside the vehicle
  • The rentals cannot be used for racing/track purposes
  • No smoking is allowed
  • & Avoid activities like eating or storing objects in the vehicle that could damage the interiors

Only The Renter Can Drive The Vehicle

As the only approved renter, only you can drive the vehicle. While your friends and admirers will want to feel the intensity of a Lamborghini for themselves, you are 100% responsible for the vehicle and any accidents that occur. Your insurance policy may not cover you if another driver is responsible for a crash, and letting another driver use the vehicle is a violation of our rental terms. 

Exotic vehicles are powerful machines that go from 0 to 60 in seconds; with all that power, only approved drivers who understand the vehicle’s extreme capabilities should ever get behind the wheel. 

Learn More About Our Vehicles 

Do some research about safely operating your dream vehicle ahead of time, then get in touch with our experts at MTB Exotics and we’ll walk you through the simple steps to get your hands on one of the finest vehicles in the world!